Find your happiness and learn to put it first.


What can coaching help with?

  • Lack of enjoyment – identifying what would make you happier.

  • Shift your mindset - discovering new ways of seeing your world that can change your life.

  • Stress and anxiety - overcoming that feeling of being overwhelmed.

  • Transform insight into action - breaking procrastination.

  • Satisfaction and purpose - answering the sense of “is this it?”

  • Remove obstacles - eliminating any beliefs and patterns about yourself that hold you back.

  • Self-recognition - knowing your behaviour and what motivates you.

  • Achieve your ambitions - with goal planning, practical strategies and regular accountability, what felt impossible will become achievable.

  • Gain clarity - working through important decisions.


“Elissa had a wonderful way of encouraging me to breakdown the issue into manageable pieces”

—Marge age 51

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What is coaching?

Coaching is about providing a space to brainstorm ideas, improve decision-making, and work towards your goals.

I will empower you to identify what would make you happy and to understand what you want from your life.

Whether lacking fulfilment in your personal or working life, I will help you gain a deeper understanding of your present situation and help you identify the positive changes that can be made to achieve the happiness you deserve. I will support you to the end so that plans are completed and goals are reached.

Let me become your coach and biggest supporter.

What to expect.

I ask questions that allow my clients to understand what is holding them back and to think beyond their familiar, habitual tendencies. From there we develop goals and methods to achieve their ambitions.

Sessions are non-judgmental and conducted in a safe space, where you can talk openly and uninterrupted.

Coaching with me is completely confidential. I will never share anything we have spoken about. Nobody will know we are working together unless you tell them.

Try a session for free and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.